就有關羅馬 Cultural Week (意大利文: Settimana della Cultura) 嘅問題, 雖然當地朋友, 以至我 host family, 同埋學校嘅老師們都比唔到答案係咪每年都舉行, 但網上搵資料後發現, 應該至少近兩年都有舉行過。
我2007年時, 好幸運咁啱碰正 Cultural Week舉行, 所以大部份文化館入場費都免...但可能每年嘅舉辦時間都有所不同。
在網站 http://rome.wantedineurope.com/news/news.php?id_n=4271 所介紹, 剛過去嘅2008年, 羅馬 Cultural Week係在 25-31 March 2008舉行! 而我在 2007年, Cultural Week 是在 12-20 May 2007舉行, 足足差成個半月..... 因此如果你打算今年去羅馬玩, 又想慳番一筆錢, 可以嘗試夾下時間, 睇下今年 Rome Cultural Week幾時舉行, 再plan你嘅旅遊行程。(註: 據說今年嘅舉行時間仲未決定)
我個人覺得, Rome Cultural Week真係可以幫你慳番好多錢, 而且因為唔駛排隊比錢入場, 連排隊時間都慳番, 直入呀 (當然有時都會視乎你嘅入場時間係唔係 peak hours)。
以下文章摘自 http://rome.wantedineurope.com/news/news.php?id_n=4271, 有興趣找尋多D有關Rome Cultural Week資料的話, 可以留意。
Culture: Culture Week 2008.
Tuesday, March 25th 2008 www.beniculturali.it
This year the annual week of culture organised by the ministry for culture takes place from 25-31 March. During the event all state-run museums, galleries, monuments and archaeological sites across the country are open to the public free of charge and numerous exhibitions, performances, guided tours and other initiatives have also been organised for the occasion.
For a full list of events by region see the culture ministry website www.beniculturali.it. There is also a freephone information number tel. 800991199.
In Rome as in past years city council-run museums and galleries such as the Capitoline Museums, Trajan’s Markets and the Ara Pacis Museum are also taking part in the initiative. For a full list of participating sites see www.museiincomune.it or contact the city council culture and tourism hotline 060608.
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