Thursday, 15 December 2011

Shanghai Acrobatics Show

One of the things that I have planned to do while traveling in Shanghai was to go to an acrobatics show. Before embarking on the trip, I read from Lonely Planet Shanghai tour book that there are two different places where one can go to a Chinese acrobatics show. Based on the recommendations from Lonely Planet, the one held at Shanghai Centre Theatre (in the Jia'n Dictrict) seemed a good choice.  One day after visiting the Jia'n Temple in the same District, we walked to the Shanghai Centre Theatre to buy tickets for the show.

Admission fee wasn't very cheap - it's RMB280 each person. But the seats were extremely good  - we were sitting on the second row right in the middle of the auditorium!  There were only slight worries.... just in case an acrobat failed to do some parts and fell right onto us?

Too many worries, LOL, because the acrobats gave such a wonderful performance. And the most important thing was - none of them did fall onto us! LOL

The show started at 7:30pm and ended at 9pm. Personally, I think the show was simply amazing! Incredibly worth the money and an evening watching such a great arcobatics show!

Photos of Shanghai Centre Theatre, Shanghai
This photo of Shanghai Centre Theatre is courtesy of TripAdvisor

This is the beginning of the show we watched. Was it good? 

(I have been trying to upload the video onto my blog but I still couldn't do it.  Click the following weblink on Youtube to have a look if you wish.)

Shanghai trip 2011 - to be continued!  

Monday, 12 December 2011

Hello Shanghai!

Just came back from a trip in Shanghai, China 
This is my first time to Shanghai and it really has impressed me a lot.  In the past, when people talked about Shanghai, my impression was: many Shanghaiese people liked to compete with us (in Hong Kong); they thought that they were developing fast, and could very soon replace Hong Kong.  Probably because of these negative feelings, I were not very eager to travel to Shanghai.

Well, but the fact is, I should not be so subjective , because this trip to Shanghai has totally changed my feeling for Shanghai!  Shanghai is really a beautiful and diversified big city. It has long history, traditional structures (like the ones in Yuyuan Garden, or otherwise called the Old Town), modern Pudong financial district (one of China's economic powerhouse), advanced infrastructure (the well-built subway system and high-speed/bullet trains); and the easily accessible, charming and tranquil canal towns near to Shanghai.  All these have made my trip to Shanghai such a rewarding travel experience!

蒲東新區的東方明珠塔 (Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Pudong District)

徐匯區的龍華寺 (Longhua Temple in Xujiahui District)

Let me start recording my trip to Shanghai!!

Shanghai trip 2011 - to be continued! 

Monday, 31 October 2011

Pedro Abrunhosa - Agarra-Me Esta Noite

Pedro Abrunhosa - one of my favourite singers. :-)
And this is such a beautiful song... para o amor  :-)

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Juve祖雲達斯2011-12年主場 & 作客球衣! Forza Capitano!

實在太耐沒有談有關愛隊祖記嘅事情了, 因為上一季 (2010-11)球季, 祖記踢得非常差, 連歐覇杯都冇份踢, 極之失望 !!

不過今季由祖記舊將 Conte領軍以來, 成績似乎幾好, 暫時排聯賽第一!! 嘻嘻嘻!

但呢幾日就傳出消息, 球會主席在祖雲達斯嘅會議上宣布, 隊長廸比亞路 (Del Piero), 在今季結束後, 將來離開球隊。好傷心呀, 駛唔駛季初就宣布呢個消息呀? 仲要咁鬼祟地宣布.....

隊長忠心效力球隊多年, 還在2007年隨球隊因電話門事件一齊降班, 無容置疑係最忠義之球員之一, 唔知佢會唔會在祖記宣布自己嘅球員生涯結束呢? 希望佢跟著會留在球隊, 好似Nedved一樣, 以另一種身份繼續為球隊效力呀!

今季絕對係買印有隊長名字嘅球衣嘅最後一季, 為此, 我決定瘋狂一次, 主場和作客球衣都買晒, 當然印佢名名同number啦!! 好有紀念價值架!!

主場球衣嘅款式每年變化都不太大。我搵左成個櫃嘅有關隊長嘅物品作配襯, 係咪好靚呢?

作客嘅背面當然係印隊長嘅名字 & number啦!

我非常喜愛今季呢件作客, colour夠鮮豔, 值得收藏。

至於字體同主場是一樣款式, 不過就係黑色的。

我相信今年隊長嘅球衣、名字同埋number肯定熱賣, 因為機會不再有了。各位喜歡隊長的球迷快手去買, 留為紀念呀!!

Forza Juve!! Forza Capitano!!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Elementary Portuguese Course - Started!!

Finally.... the course that I have signed up three times in the last nine months or so is finally offered by an institution here in Hong Kong. Amazing.

Portuguese is not as popular as other languages like Japanese, Korean, French or Spanish in Hong Kong, and it's for this reason that there are very few courses on Portuguese being offered here. Even some organisations wanted to offer such courses, they're bound to be cancelled because of lack of sufficient enrollment number.

I once considered going to Macau to study Portuguese, but then I quit this idea because it's simply too expensive to do it this way. Macau is close to Hong Kong, but the only way of transportation is only hydrofoil and the fare is not cheap. And it's too tiring traveling between the two places every week, even though if it would be only once a week.

I had the first lesson today.  It's Elementary Portuguese.  To my amazement, our teacher is a Brazilian.   Considering the tuition fee of the course (it's really good price, lol), that's much worth the money having some native Portuguese person as our teacher!  That's fantastic.

I have already had some basic knowledge of Portuguese prior to the course so hopefully I can manage it with ease.  Let's see how the course will go. I hope to be able to catch proper pronunciations of words & learn many new words/phrases/cultural elements from the teacher and also see if I can get to know from him some ways/opportunities of continuing learning the language with some native Portuguese speakers in Hong Kong. Ha!

I can't wait to have the second lesson! Haha.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Juventus anthem - Storia di un Grande Amore!!

It is such a big excitement to see my favourite football team Juventus has started the new season with a really great victory - 4:1 at home against Parma this evening (well, in Hong Kong time, lol)!  And it's the first match they played at the new stadium - the Juventus Stadium.

Simili a degli eroi
Abbiamo il cuore a strisce
portaci dove vuoi
verso le tue conquiste
dove tu arriverai
sarà la storia di tutti noi
solo chi corre può
fare di te la squadra che sei

Juve, storia di un grande amore
bianco che abbraccia il nero
coro che si alza davvero per te

Portaci dove vuoi
siamo una curva in festa
come un abbraccio noi
e ancora non ci basta
ogni pagina nuova sai
sarà ancora la storia di tutti noi
solo chi corre può
fare di te quello che sei

Juve, storia di un grande amore
bianco che abbraccia il nero
coro che si alza davvero solo per te
è la Juve storia di quel che sarò
quando fischia l’inizio
l’inizio è quel sogno che sei

Juve, storia di un grande amore
bianco che abbraccia il nero
coro che si alza davvero
Juve per sempre sarà

Juve, storia di un grande amore
bianco che abbraccia il nero
coro che si alza davvero
Juve per sempre sarà
Juve… Juve per sempre sarà
Juve… Juve per sempre sarà.

意大利 Amalfi Coast 四圍行 (3) - 絕美 Amalfi (town)

繼續美麗嘅意大利 Amalfi Coast一日遊。

先坐巴士: Sorrento --> Amalfi (小鎮) , 參觀過後,
坐船: Amalfi --> Positano (小鎮), 參觀過後, 最後,
坐巴士: Positano --> 返回 Sorrento

上回講到, 今日先坐巴士由我根據地 Sorrento, 去 Amalfi小鎮。 呢個小鎮係呢條巴士線嘅總站, 搭車搭左都有成差不多2個鐘。

Amalfi 呢個依山而建嘅小鎮, 每日都有唔少遊客慕名而來。Amalfi 吸引人之處, 除左有優美嘅海濱、藍天碧海以外, 比較特別係小鎮內, 有好多細小縱橫穿插嘅窄巷, 售賣不同種類充滿當地特色嘅紀念品、水果, 甚至平價衣服鞋襪嘅商舖。 

來到 Amalfi, 又豈能錯過參觀 The Duomo (The Cathedral) 呢!! 上 Duomo需要行上一條頗斜頗長嘅石級, 但只要肯負出少少代價, 接著下來就會覺得絕對值得 !







參觀完 Duomo, 就隨便於鎮內小巷周圍亂走亂逛, 叫做不璜來過 Amalfi 嘛! 哈哈! 紀念品造得很精美亦色彩鮮豔繽紛, 但無奈我嘅背包容量有限, 我唔想再背咁多東西旅遊, 所以....放棄購物。


又係時候要同 Amalfi 講再見了, 因為今日呢個一日遊, 我仲有另一個 town要去, 就係 Positano 喇! Amalfi 呢個小鎮給我好舒服、寫意嘅感覺。如果行李好輕便的話, 都不妨可以考慮來呢個鎮住一兩日, 再從呢度搭巴士或自己揸車去再遠少少嘅 Amalfi Coast towns, 例如 Ravello & Salerno遊覽。

接著, 我要從 Amalfi 嘅岸邊, 搭快船過去 Positano, 繼續 1-day Amalfi Coast 之旅!! Hurray!


下集繼續 意大利 Amalfi Coast 之旅!!

Friday, 2 September 2011

意大利 Amalfi Coast 四圍行 (2) - 絕美 coastal views

在 Sorrento嘅酒店 check-in 過後, 就搭巴士去 Amalfi Coast沿海幾個小鎮遊逛。先去 Information Center攞左巴士、船等時間表, 就行番去火車站出面搭巴士了。

之前研究行程時, 參考兩本旅遊書嘅資料, 再綜合作者嘅建議, 最後決定:
先坐巴士: Sorrento --> Amalfi (小鎮) , 參觀過後,
坐船: Amalfi --> Positano (小鎮), 參觀過後, 最後,
坐巴士: Positano --> 返回 Sorrento

巴士從Sorrento出發, 沿途景色簡直美不勝收 !! 真係要佩服意大利人開山闢路嘅鬼斧神工, 同埋巴士司機嘅高超而穩定嘅駕駛技術!!

本人小小經驗之談: 要先在火車站出口那間 tabacchi (= newstand)買車票, 先可以上巴士。上車後記住要坐右手邊座位, 咁就可以更好欣賞超靚嘅山景 & 海景。由於Sorrento係最熱門嘅住宿之地, 所以每日由呢度出發去各 Amalfi Coast小鎮嘅巴士都好多乘客, 因此可以的話, 盡早出發, 如果唔係隨時要企位!

以下幾張照片係我在 Sorrento 坐巴士往 Amalfi 小鎮途中所拍下。







以下Rick Steves呢個 video clip, 就完全表達到我想講嘅Amalfi Coast景色係如何絕美喇!!

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穿梭葡萄牙 / 意大利之旅 2011! 待續!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

意大利 (Italy) Amalfi Coast 四圍行 (1) - 絕美 Sorrento

今日朝早有少少懶洋洋, 嘻嘻, 本來應該早些起床, 不過呢個旅程已經行左好多日了, 來到 Napoli, 應該學似當地人咁, 休閒一下, 唔想做旅行奴隸   ! D景點去到就去, 去唔到就下次返來再繼續啦! 哈哈!

每次返意大利, 都有種返鄉下嘅感覺, 因為感覺好親切, 但係......要視乎係去意大利邊個城市。若然係 Torino (都靈), 咁當然係我繼 HK之後第一家鄉啦, 至於跟著要講嘅目的地, 若果有錢的話, 絕對係我肯在此留一世都願嘅地方 --- Amalfi Coast!

呢兩晚嘅根據地係 Amalfi Coast其中一個小鎮 Sorrento Napoli ---> Sorrento, 最經常選用嘅方法係搭 Circumvesuviana train line, Napoli 直坐到最後一站 Sorrento

Sorrento Napoli, 講真, 真係幾似兩個世界! 到達 Sorrento, 氣氛同我在 Napoli時有大分別: 在 Sorrento呢度, 9成人都係遊客, 個個都 hea 下 hea 下, 治安亦當然好很多, 應該唔駛驚搶劫呢種事情, 感覺安全自在。

Sorrento 街景 ----> oh, 點解我在 Sorrento 只係影左兩張相咁少??!!  下次再去影多幾張補番數先得, 嘻嘻嘻。


反而, 我就猛咁影左好多張我間 hotel 嘅相! 呢間 hotel 真係好型, 係我嘅豪花之作 !  如果會去 Sorrento, 而又唔太計較駛費的話, 住在呢度最少一兩晚就最理想!! 除左地理位置極好, 在市中心之外, 我住呢間房好正架!!! 各位 睇睇相...

張床夠晒大! 全間 Hotel 有wi-fi, 好方便。留意一下我個房個百葉門

洗手間: 乾淨衛生!

原來推開對百葉門, 係出去自己個 balcony!!

唔該, 呢度係食早餐嘅地方.... 早餐係送到埋來, 唔駛自己去攞的!! 哈哈哈! 咁優美嘅環境食早餐真係開心爆。


實情告訴大家, 我係無意中被 "安排" 來左呢度住, 但故事太長, 費時長篇大論在此講了!  特別強調, 一定要提嘅係, 呢間酒店嘅負責人.... 好型好靚仔好友善好溫文 !!!

真係....在意大利搵個又型又靚仔嘅男人真係好容易!!! 雖然, 靚仔唔代表一切

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